I am working on transforming paper collages to digital images. This is one of them.

I am working on transforming paper collages to digital images. This is one of them.

Daily UI 024, a boarding pass. In addition to the boarding pass, I thought about a helpful airline app.

Daily UI 020, a location tracker. This is an addition to the app I am working on called, Friendzo.

Daily UI 019, a leaderboard

Daily UI 017, an email receipt. I designed this for a hypothetical make-up company.

Daily UI 018. For this I combined a few concepts from Investopedia, visuals on data I knew could be taken from Alpha Vantage api, and some made up portfolio information into a financial dashboard

Part of Daily UI 013 and the app I am working on called, Friendzo

Daily UI 011, flash alert

Daily UI 001, Sign Up Page | made in Illustrator and Figma

Daily UI 010, Social share

Daily UI 009, A music player. In this piece, I am giving Spotify the ability to have a glitch-visualize feature for music

Daily UI 008, Design a 404 page

Daily UI 002, credit card

This is a fake user profile for my dog on the fictitious app, Friendzo: a friend-making app for dogs or their owners


Daily UI 003 | Photos courtesy of Unsplash

Daily UI 004, a calculator